Many people have hair misconceptions when they think about what their style says about themselves, but thanks to Romy Fazeli, beauty expert and creative director of Kymaro Health & Beauty/Spa Essentials, all of us will be in the know.
Fazeli shares the secret of what your do’ says about you and how to get the personality look you want.
Short Hair: The Sophisticate
Cropped hair signifies intelligence, openness and honesty - what you see is what you get.
Shorter styles tend to make women appear older and sophisticated. To make this look a little edgier, playful and younger use hair paste to whisk the edges of your hair piece by piece.
Shoulder Length: Always A Classic
Medium-length hair portrays a classic, strong and powerful appearance. To make this look a little less intimidating use a smallstraightening iron to crimp your hair. This will balance the serious-look of your cut with a little spark of fun.
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